McAlpine Plumbing is one of the leading plumbing parts manufacturers in the world, having innovated and invented for over a century. With a laser-like focus on developing and expanding its roster of over 5000+ products, we were tasked with redefining a new, far more modern visual style for the brand, that could be consistently applied to all media.
We viewed the core challenge for McAlpine as simply making sense of their products. Having a virtually endless back catalogue of products, all with unique specs and variations, we had to solve the problem of how to present information in a consistent, easily understood and scalable way on all platforms. Once we had nailed this, it was time to take it a step forward, using those same specs, technical drawings, blueprints and more to create a visual style that truly set McAlpine apart from the competition.
A distilled, fresh and consistent design system that works as effectively in catalogues and posters as it does on web and animation.