McAlpine Plumbing

100+ year old family company pushing boundaries and having some fun with it.


Branding, Strategy, Print Design, Motion Graphics

Tap to View Summary
McAlpine Plumbing Animated Explainer Detail shot showing the 71 counties McAlpine are inMcAlpine Plumbing Animated Explainer Detail shot showing McAlpine have been in Glasgow since 1907McAlpine Plumbing Animated Explainer Detail shot showing product design and the British flagMcAlpine Plumbing Animated Explainer Detail shot showing Unbeatable QualityMcAlpine Plumbing Animated Explainer Detail shot showing the No Compromise on Supporting Plumbers sectionMcAlpine Plumbing Animated Explainer Detail shot showing the Q10 product schematic drawing
Print Design showing multiple spreads form the new McAlpine Plumbing CatalogueMcAlpine Plumbing Catalogues and covers
Print Design for McAlpine Plumbing Newsletter styled like a Screen-Printed Newspaper.McAlpine Plumbing coffee morning posters
Project Team

Joanne Little
Alan Cunningham